Journals. PEMEM. For Reviewers » ФГБУ "Институт глобального климата и экологии имени академика Ю.А. Израэля"

Journals. PEMEM. For Reviewers


The reviewer report must indicate that the subject of the paper complies with the scope of the journal, it is topical and practically relevant, the objectives of the work are distinctly formulated, research methodology is adequate, and results are presented clearly, reasonably and logically. It should be also noticed if a comparison with the results of other studies, including recent ones, is made. Any additional comments of the reviewer are welcome.

A reviewer report is to be emailed to the Editorial Board within 3 weeks from the date of submission to the reviewer.

The original reviewer report is to be submitted in one copy by mail. It must be signed and dated by the reviewer. The signature must be authenticated by the institution to which the reviewer is affiliated. A scanned copy can also be sent to the PEMEM as an interim document. To speed up the reviewing process, the Editorial Board encourages reviewers to send reviewer reports by email to (in addition to sending the original by mail).

Original reviews remain deposited for 5 years.

Reviewers’ names remain confidential to the authors.

Editorial Board mail address: PEМEM Editorial Board, Yu. A. Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, Glebovskaya str., 20B, 107258 Moscow.